Outfit: Midi Skirt, Fishnet Tights & Comfy Knit

outfit fashion primetime chaos midi skirt fishnet tights

outfit fashion primetime chaos midi skirt fishnet tights

outfit fashion primetime chaos midi skirt fishnet tights

outfit fashion primetime chaos midi skirt fishnet tights

outfit fashion primetime chaos midi skirt fishnet tights

outfit fashion primetime chaos midi skirt fishnet tights

outfit fashion primetime chaos midi skirt fishnet tights

outfit fashion primetime chaos midi skirt fishnet tights

I’m excited to share my first spring outfit post with you today! There is hardly anything that makes me feel more confident, sexy and feminine than a taylored-to-perfection midi skirt. While I do wear pants (right now I love culottes) almost daily, I have been trying to incorporate more dresses and midi skirts into my daily routine. And the best thing about it? I get to wear my beloved fishnet tights more often! (I did write an in-depth love letter here haha)

When putting together this outfit I thought of all the beautiful South American Tango dancers I always watched on television with my grandma. Even back then I loved their swinging dresses, the sleek hair, beautiful makeup and high heels! I paired my favourite midi skirt from Thailand (similar here) with my black Mary Janes and made it more “Tango” by wearing my fishnet tights, a choker and hoop earings!

I have never been a fan of hoop earings, until recently – I only ever liked them on others, not on myself. Whenever I wear them, I just feel so put together and “grown up” in a way – no idea where that comes from, but it does feel nice! Gold ones are my favourite but maybe silver would look good with an all black outfit and a pop of blue?

What is your favourite clothing item to wear (at the moment)? And how do you style it?

Midi Skirt | from Thailand (similar herehere or here)
Tights | Capezio (same here, similar here)
Knit | H&M (same here)
Shoes | Noholita (similar here or here)
Choker | Schmuckrausch (similar here or here)
Watch | M&M Germany (similar here or here)
Earrings | H&M (really love these or these!)
Arm Cuff | NewOne Jewelry
Rings | Sixx
Nail Polish | Essie “Sand Tropez” (here or here)


Heute zeige ich euch endlich das erste Frühlingsoutfit hier auf dem Blog! Es gibt fast nichts, dass mich selbstbewusster, schöner und femininer fühlen lässt als ein Midi Rock. Obwohl ich meistens Hosen trage (im Moment liebe ich Culottes), versuche ich im Moment vermehrt Kleider und Röcke in meine täglichen Outfits einzuplanen. Und das Beste dabei? Ich kann meine geliebte Fischnetz-Strumpfhose öfter anziehen! (Ich habe einen regelrechten Liebesbrief daran schon HIER geschrieben haha)

Bei der Zusammenstellung dieses Outfits habe ich an die wunderschönen Südamerikanischen Tango Tänzer gedacht, die ich als Kind immer mit meiner Oma im Fernsehen angesehen habe. Ich liebte schon damals die schwingenden Kleider, die strengen Haare, das schöne Makeup und natürlich auch die hohen Schuhe! Als Hommage habe ich hier meinen Midi Rock aus Thailand (ähnlich hier) mit meinen schwarzen Mary Janes und hab eine Brise “Tango” mit einer Fischnetz-Strumpfhose, einem Choker und Kreolen hinzugefügt.

Ich bin erst seit kurzem Fan von Kreolen – irgendwie haben sie mir immer nur an anderen gefallen. Immer, wenn ich sie trage, fühle ich mich so “aufgeräumt” und erwachsen – keine Ahnung woher das kommt, fühlt sich gut an! Goldene Ohrringe ist mein Favorit, aber Silberne würden vielleicht mit einem ganz schwarzen Outfit und blauem Akzent gut aussehen?

Welches Kleidungsstück trägt ihr (im Moment) am liebsten? Und wie kombiniert ihr es?

Midi Rock | aus Thailand (ähnlich hierhier oder hier)
Strumpfhose | Capezio (gleich hier, ähnlich hier)
Pullover | H&M (gleich hier)
Schuhe | Noholita (ähnlich hier oder hier)
Choker | Schmuckrausch (ähnlich hier oder hier)
Uhr | M&M Germany (ähnlich hier oder hier)
Ohrringe | H&M (ich liebe diese oder diese!)
Armreif | NewOne Jewelry
Ringe | Sixx
Nagellack | Essie “Sand Tropez” (hier oder hier)

outfit fashion primetime chaos midi skirt fishnet tights

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  1. June 8, 2017 / 9:49 PM

    Liebe Theresa,
    ich LIEBE dieses Outfit <3! Das ist ja der totale Hammer! Der Rock ist wunderschön (die Farbe! Wow!) und die Kombi gefällt mir sehr gut. Die Netzstrumpfhose und die Schuhe machen es einfach perfekt. Sehr gelungen!

    • June 11, 2017 / 1:26 PM

      Dankeschön, Verena! Deine Worte freuen mich immer sehr! Der Rock war der beste Kauf! Hab ihn schon so oft getragen 🙂
      Alles Liebe!

  2. April 26, 2017 / 8:31 PM

    Soooo cute! I love those colors.

    • April 26, 2017 / 9:31 PM

      Thanks a lot Angie! Glad you like it 🙂

  3. April 23, 2017 / 11:58 PM

    This is a fun skirt and i like how you style this. Very refreshing look 🙂

  4. April 23, 2017 / 11:55 PM

    I love how the skirt’s color does all of the work for it. I like simple design with a bold color.

    • April 24, 2017 / 11:50 AM

      Thanks Jennifer! That’s why I love it so much! 🙂

  5. April 23, 2017 / 10:30 AM

    Pleated skirt is my favourite kind of skirt! They looks so chic!

    • April 23, 2017 / 10:16 PM

      Thanks Georgina! Yes, mine too! You look put together in an instant 🙂

  6. April 22, 2017 / 11:37 PM

    I have a pair of fishnet tights I’ve only worn once because I never know how to wear them and I’m afraid it wouldn’t look professional at work. Your outfit looks so put-together, though, I could definitely wear something like that to work. Thanks for the idea.

    • April 23, 2017 / 10:18 PM

      Thanks Paula, I have heard that a lot! I think fishnets look more professional when you
      1. pair them with more conservative shapes to have the balance between sexy and professional
      2. use a pair where the net is smaller, so it isn’t too obvious.
      Glad I could help 🙂

  7. April 21, 2017 / 6:54 PM

    Such a pretty skirt! I love the color, it’s something you could wear for all seasons!

    • April 22, 2017 / 10:04 PM

      Thank you! Yes, I have been wearing it for over five years now for so many occasions and in all seasons! 🙂

  8. April 21, 2017 / 4:26 PM

    I love this look! Especially like how you’ve paired the fishnets with it – adds a little something “extra!” Great skirt – love the color, too!

    • April 22, 2017 / 10:05 PM

      Thank you, so sweet of you to say! That’s exactly what I was going for 🙂

  9. April 21, 2017 / 3:46 PM

    I love this entire outfit! The skirt is such a gorgeous color on you!

  10. April 21, 2017 / 3:13 PM

    That skirt is SO gorgeous! The pleats are amazing. I bet it’s a pain to iron though 🙂

    • April 21, 2017 / 3:43 PM

      Thanks Christina! Surprisingly it isn’t at all! I just wash it and hang it up – I have never ironed it before 🙂
      Sending love to you!

  11. Cat
    April 21, 2017 / 1:46 PM

    I adore that skirt on you! You look so gorgeous!

  12. Ashley
    April 21, 2017 / 5:15 AM

    This skirt is so gorgeous! What a fun and flirty look!

    • April 21, 2017 / 3:05 PM

      Thanks Mary! That means a lot coming from someone with great style 🙂

  13. April 20, 2017 / 9:24 PM

    What pretty images. Love the pink skirt.

  14. April 20, 2017 / 8:04 PM

    Love your style, girl! I usually don’t think to pair pink on pink, but you pull this off so well! I love a good pleated skirt. <3


    • April 20, 2017 / 10:51 PM

      Thanks Jenn! Yes I thought I’d do a monochrome look in a different way 😉

    • April 20, 2017 / 10:52 PM

      Thank you Lauren! Happy you like it! 😀

  15. April 20, 2017 / 6:44 PM

    Oh my gosh that really does look super comfortable. I want that skirt so bad. I am totally into wearing midis right now, I think they’re stylish and comfortable.

    • April 20, 2017 / 10:53 PM

      It really is! I love midi skirts as well – they make you look put together in an instant! I linked some similar skirts in the post for you 🙂

  16. March 22, 2017 / 12:26 PM

    This pink skirt is so cute and so very feminine! And I love how you paired it with the fishnets because it gives it the perfect touch of sexy!

    • March 22, 2017 / 6:31 PM

      Thanks Cassidy! So sweet of you 🙂 Sending love from Austria! xx, Theresa

    • April 20, 2017 / 6:42 PM

      i like the mixture of fabrics of this outfit! i never thought of putting a pleated skirt with a sweater! genius for the chilly yet warm days of california!

      • April 20, 2017 / 10:57 PM

        Aw thank you! It makes me the happiest when I can give someone a new idea. I love mixing fabrics and textures. It makes every outfit that little bit more interesting 🙂

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